Dan Lam
Dan Lam is an acclaimed artist from Dallas, Texas. She makes mostly blobs out of polyurthane foam. Her works have been showcased in galleries around the world due to their uniqueness. Her works normally go for around one thousand dollars on websites like artsy.com. She has an instagram and a website: https://www.bydanlam.com. These sculptures are soft to the touch, so you could cuddle with one if you wanted to. She has a cool way of displaying the works- she makes it appear like the blobs are oozing off the shelves like the one above.
Dan Lam inspires me because her sculptures are completely random but have interesting titles, like "Legs for Days." I had a little keychain that looked like these sculptures when I was little, so these works brought me back to my freshman year when I had the keychain (it was stolen). That was what caught my attention. I feel like this could inspire my own art because this style lets me know that it's okay for your sculptures to not be perfectly formed.
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